Join the discussion: “WE” webinar Friday

Following submitted by Marty Rosenblatt:

Winning Entanglements  (WE) is a protocol designed to permit you to improve your long-term precognitive Hit Rate above the 65% level.

That is a pretty bold and controversial statement that can be tested, with your assistance.  We now have the ability to show you your Personal Hit Rate history in a chart and table.  Also, your comments from previous WE predictions are available to you.  These basic data represent a type of ongoing biofeedback which you can use both intellectually and intuitively to improve your precog Hit Rate.   You are the one who does the RVing, Judging, and FeedBack; a perfect situation for improving communication with your submerged consciousness using intentions and actions.

I would like to discuss this idea in an ongoing series of webinars on Fridays using the S&P500 price movement at the end of the day.  We will be developing and testing this idea together.  We are all at the cutting edge of applying precognition.  We each have our ideas, but I feel we all know that these ideas need to be tested, refined or possibly dramatically changed … we will enjoy that process together.

If you believe that a long-term Hit Rate of 60% to 65% is where you want to be for the long-term and wish to apply that for wisely making money…yes, I encourage just that.  Tom Atwater has amiably left the APP Board to spend his time earning a living at this level of Hit Rate with his beloved horseracing.  And, he has shown that at this Hit Rate level, you can make a living with many predictions per day.  His experience with this will be valuable for all of us.

If you believe you can attain a long-term Hit Rate of, say, 70% to 80% and beyond 🙂 join us this Friday for the first in an ongoing series:

Applying & Improving Financial Predictions with Winning Entanglements Protocol

Noon – 2pm PT (9-11 a.m. ET) Friday (I will be there for the full two hours, you can come and go)

 If you are interested, send me an email at and I will send you the GoToMeeting Link.

The agenda/schedule is as follows:

  •  By noon PT on Friday, please submit your 2 WE transcripts, CRs, and Personal Predictions using the following link Click for tasking/coords, and also uploading of transcripts
  • PT Discussions about the Sessions and Personal Predictions.
  • By 12:30pm, I will enter an Options Trade using software
  • Out by 1:00pm PT.  Discussions about how to wager wisely with Options.
  • FeedBack and Discussion until 2:00pm PT.  I believe that FeedBack Sessions are the best time to do learnin’

Below is an example of a viewing Julian Mann submitted, which contributed to the APP Pegasus group’s hit on March 13 using the WE protocol. Another of that day’s transcripts is posted here.

Click to enlarge images.

JULIAN: “Having been doing the RV for some months now I think what is happening is I am developing a sense of when the image is a ‘hit’ even when on objective grounds the CR is not particularly high for the image as a whole. Because I am not really a ‘visual’ person & also as images come to me in a ‘split’ second, what I need to rely on is that some element of the pictures being judged ‘resonates’ with what I have Rv’d. In the case of this image,what resonated from my RV session were the ‘dots’ I had ‘seen’ on either side of the hooks. The triangular shapes in the images were perhaps too abstract for me, but I felt confident about those dots & their location in relation to the body of the image.”