Talking about precog … is the world still flat?

SphereWorldOfConsciousnessNotFlatSMFollowing from Marty Rosenblatt:

When everyone else believed the earth was flat, what would you have done if you knew it was roundish?

If you’re in this RV group [or reading this blog], you probably know foretelling the future can be done … so what will you do to educate society about precognition, RV and the larger consciousness reality?  How about becoming an active part of the paradigm/consciousness shift by doing precognitive remote viewing.

By now you know that I would recommend joining the “Applied Precognition Project” (APP) Discussion Group (it’s free, as are the sports and financial prediction groups); however, you can simply start your own precog group and keep long-term records of your progress.  Together, we can continue to apply precognitive remote viewing and we can continue to educate our society.

See more about the paradigm shift.

Keep applying your RV skills,
