Anything APP Webinar: How to become a paid precog pro

APPlogo-red borderFollowing is from Marty Rosenblatt:

Hi all,

As you know, APP pays a lot of attention to group and personal statistics.  Establishing applied precognition as a profession is one important reason for maintaining statistics.  A prerequisite to becoming a professional precoger should be, IMO, a demonstrated ability of a good reliable Hit Rate record.

APPI INC, the APP Institute, has just filed to become a 501(c)3 non-profit educational/charitable organization.  APPI will work to develop a place where precogers can get paid for their services.  Join us this Friday at the next “Anything APP” meeting to learn how your APP statistics could permit you to become a paid precog professional.

“Anything APP” will start at:

9 am PT (Noon ET, 4pm GMT) Friday, August 28.  The GoToMeeting Link is:

Please let me know of other agenda items you would like to discuss:

Current Agenda:

1. Become a Paid Precog Professional – APPI

2. Other


  1. Hi, Peggy — check out the page for more information about groups. APP tracks viewer data to help you establish credentials if you want to become a “paid pro.”

  2. I have done Remote Viewing a few times. I would like to get paid for it. I am not too good using the computer.

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