Using ARV, Joanie “HotLips” Sullivan selected the winning horse–Ron the Greek– in Saturday’s second race of the Derby List Triple Crown Contest. With 12 points, she moved to FIRST place in the points contest. At 10 points, Tom Atwater ties for SECOND place with six others.
Way to go, Joanie and Tom!
Click to view Joanie’s Jan. 23 transcripts.
Actually, not Ron the Greek, but Winslow Homer was my winning horse. In the other race, the choice resulting in Ron the Greek was a tie based on my confidence scores and b/c I had a better feeling toward that photosite choice, I went with Ron the Greek. Was not a winner – it was a Pass in the database. ARV is very subtle indeed. And these viewings helped me to understand that even more. In addition, the importance of presenting subtleties to those interested in serious study. I feel it is only in the subtleties that we (who are not the best of viewers, like myself) will evolve in learning, understanding and subtle discrimination. I have a long way to go. :-). I think it would be a positive reinforcement to participating viewers to post race results. 🙂