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Two of our PRECOG10 group used Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) to choose winners in Saturday’s National Handicapping Championship (NHC) Qualifier contest, and Lincoln ARVed the Mineshaft Handicap winner, Demarcation, in the Public Handicapper contest. Tom picked longshot Moore West in Race A and Monica chose Swagger Jack in Race E.
I noticed something very interesting here about Tom’s session. The picture was one I took from my home office (in the basement, through the screened window) and Tom’s ‘bee honeycomb’ sketch and labeling very closely represented the bugs on the screen – well done! Beyond that, it appeared to me at first that the drawn and labeled ‘rectangular, two planes, perpendicular, metal, cold, hard, hinged’ AND ‘ translucent, plastic, red, thick disk, grooved inside circumference’ elements had absolutely nothing to do with the PS and were merely extraneous artifacts, displacement, or telepathic overlay at best, making this hit merely 1/3 accurate. Let’s face it, the last two elements are NOT in the picture! Well, it then occurred to me that we ARE viewing Photosites here and not just pictures, so I’ll give you two guesses (with one hint) as to what lies on my desk below this window. The first item that Tom labeled ‘rectangular, two planes, perpendicular, metal, cold, hard, hinged’ you have to figure out from this description or Tom’s sketch, if necessary (it’s a toughy). The hint for the second item is that it is a ‘thick’ stack of ‘disk’ that looks ‘grooved’ in a stack; it’s enclosed in a ‘translucent, plastic, red’ container; and it goes with the first item. For the answer – doubt you need it – see the attached picture of my desk – more of the Photosite. Well done, Tom.
Here’s a link to your photo — thanks for sharing it!