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The Group Prediction for 5/31/13 was a Hit with SPY and the Call moving Up 25% (1.37-1.71) being the actualized side.
The parameters were: “Up – Buy SPY Call for 25% Profit – use 25% Limit and Stop. We recommend using first out of money call 2 weeks into the future for the trade.”
An independent judge gave a confidence ranking of 3.5 to Up and 2.5 to Down. Learn about Group 1ARV at:
Russ (transcript above) reports his liberal self-judged session had a CR 4.75 – 5, identifying an Alaskan scenic train: “I’d sketched an Alaskan guides pontoon P5 still transportation, same state. Temp 68 in 45 out, can cancel and delay, workers labor, seniors, walking, talking, musical-tones blending, clear glass, arching many times, stainless metal, red-bronzish, pines, males, gray, beige, muffled, mechanical, electrical, clanging, glasses drinks, faces, streaming watery, gas, oily, trash, springy recoils, man-made hard metallic, it’s fall like, it’s frosty, human hands carry, lifting, short swings to one side repeat, slight motions to extremities, vegetation”