1. I scored my 377077 transcript CR4.75 with 71% objective specific data matches, in clear contrast with CR1 with only 5% objective specific data matches for the other session on the other IPS on the other side of the wager.

  2. This session was interesting to me on two counts: first, I always find it fascinating when my imagery is an almost perfect match with someone else’s. My drawing of what I described in AOL as a “straw” or “barber pole” was almost identical to the striped cylinder pictured on our group feedback. Even though I would’ve ranked my transcript about a 3 overall, it had some crystal-clear imagery of the rope: “pipelike, striped, red, white, vertical.” Which brings me to the second interesting observation–when I was doing my own AJing after I got the results, I looked at the “wrong” transcript. The match was bleed-through from the other transcript (944860), but I didn’t realize that until I was posting this and noticed the group number was 377077. Funny how the mind/subconscious works! As it turned out, I had failed to send my transcripts to the judge, so it was all a solo lesson for me. Gotta love it!

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