Webinar explains modified Wild Card Preview


In Friday’s webinar, Marty Rosenblatt discussed some adjustments he’s made in the five groups he AJs (analysis/judging), which have recently experienced a lot of Passes due to high matches (confidence rankings) with both the target and Wild Card.

He explained his modification of the Wild Card Preview (WCP) protocol. For example, Marty sent each of the Pegasus viewers Wild Card photosites (different for each viewer) after he received their transcripts. Viewers gave a CR ranking for the Wild Card (using both transcripts, but only the one WC photosite).

In my case, for the WCP, I ranked 925742 a CR 5, which is very high for me, and a 3.5 CR for 466242. That clearly indicated 466242 should be the target.

After the actual outcome was known, Marty sent the target photosite for 466242, which I then judged as part of my  feedback process. I gave it a CR 4 (still a precog “hit”). In this case, both were correct — the pre-event hit for the WCP and the hit for the actual target. What fun!

The full webinar is here.

The slides and Excel sheet are here.

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