Kathy Noble used Associative Remote Viewing to correctly predict Ghana’s win over the U.S. in Saturday’s World Cup. (Transcript not available.)
Before the game, Mark Burden also chose Ghana as the winner with a different remote viewing process using cards (I’m certainly intriqued by this!) His other predictions include:
- England win
- Argentina win (HIT!)
- Slovakia win
- Chile win
- Japan win
- Portugal win
Here are some ARV predictions for this week’s games:
- Netherlands vs. Slovakia
- T.W. Fendley: Pass (Slovakia highest — Targ CR 3)
- Brazil vs. Chile
- NJBR1111: Draw for regulation time
- T.W.: Brazil to win (HIT!)
- Paraguay vs. Japan
- Kathy Noble: Draw for regulation time (HIT!)
- T.W.: Paraguay to win (HIT!)
- Spain vs. Portugal
- T.W: Draw for regulation time (Spain highest — Targ CR 3)