The Monroe Institute: Remote Viewing Program

Following is from The Monroe Institute:

What if you could focus your mind long enough to perceive the unseen?
What if you could go beyond the boundaries of time and space to sense from a distance
information about a person, place, or object?

May 16 – 22 and October 3 – 9

Join our team of skilled trainers for an experiential journey into the fascinating world of Remote Viewing.  Spend 5-days/6-nights on a journey of discovery through expanding your consciousness, focusing your mind to receive information, and ultimately, remote viewing the unseen.  

This powerful program weaves together Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology along with scientifically tested perceptual tools and techniques to support you on your journey.  

Explore Perception From a Distance.  Open Your Mind to Sense the Unknown.   

Explore the three roles associated with Remote Viewing – The Remote Viewer, The Monitor, and The Judge.  Clear and focus your mind to receive input.  Go beyond the boundaries of time and space and identify the information you are accessing.  Finally, participate in a series of double-blind, independently judged Remote Viewing trials to exercise your newly acquired skills.

Remote Viewing is a highly popular program and filling up quickly.  We strongly recommend you reserve your space in advance.

Go Beyond the Boundaries of Time and Space.  Perceive the Unseen. 

Here’s What Others Are Saying About Their Experience . . . 
“I have attended 6 other TMI courses over the last 7 years and this was one of the best.  The Remote Viewing sessions we did were amazing!  I strongly recommend this course for those of you who want to take it to the next level.  Buckle your seat belts and get ready for one heck of a ride!” 
~ Martin  
“It is fascinating how I can get, on the background of my eyes, the indication of an object independent of its location in the universe and in a time I have chosen in my mind.”
“At week’s end, I believe not one of us left TMI doubting that human beings have the ability to “go” to a target without leaving their bodies and return with accurate information.
Unlock the Power of Your Mind.  Perceive the Unseen.
The Monroe Institute  | 434-361-1500 | 866-881-3440 | E-mail