Almosta Exacta!

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Friday was one of those on-again, off-again stormy days in the Midwest, so our plans to go to Fairmount Park racetrack kept changing. When we finally decided the weather was going to be okay, that left me about an hour to do my Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) for the races before the hourlong trek across the river to Illinois. I got six races done and had some nice matches in two of them. (I call that Lightning ARV–it was really fast!)

Since I live in Missouri, where online betting on horseracing is illegal, I seldom get to bet on the races. But when I go to a track, I try to use my Targ Confidence Ranking scores to help guide my betting.  In the second race, I had two strong CRs (4+), so I decided to try an Exacta Box. With that bet, you say the horses will finish first and second; the box allows either order. I PICKED THE RIGHT HORSES! But I bet wrong.

An important lesson to be learned here–doublecheck the post position. The horse I listed as 2 when I set up the race in the “My Own Event” section of PRECOG10 was actually the second horse of a paired bet (1A). Instead of 4-2, my bet should’ve been 4-1. Sigh.

The good news is that my viewing was spot-on! I was 1-6 for wins, but used ARV to pick three other horses that finished in the money. And it was fun!