APP’s Friday webinar to discuss Forex, Zulutrade

APP Profile Pic Member-1Following is from Marty Rosenblatt:

Let’s continue our weekly Friday meetings to discuss Forex, precognition, ARV protocols, Indicator PhotoSites, etc.  We’re still learning about how Zulutrade and various Forex brokers work together.  We may be closing out a live Forex trade during the webinar.

CAS is getting close, really, and we can discuss that as well.  Let’s turn these Friday GoToMeetings into “Discussions on Anything” going on concerning APP 🙂

Here is the webinar link:  start Fri noon Pacific Time


Recently, I was made aware of a very interesting precog opportunity involving the Foreign Exchange market, Forex, which is the largest financial market in the world with daily average turnover of US $3.2 trillion.

The opportunity involves being able to publicly apply precognition in a competitive fashion where traders are ranked.  Many others are using technical and fundamental analysis of the markets. Our objective is clear, show that the APP protocols can beat them all!

This is an opportunity for viewers because:

·         When we rank high, money is earned, which will be shared with viewers.

·         Viewers can, with a low initial investment, become a Forex investor with minimum effort, after opening 2 accounts, by automatically mirroring/scaling the precog trades made by the APP trader, called “precoger”.

The company that does the rankings is:  (A separate trading Forex account is required to actually invest. Zulutrade sends the trades to this account and follows the results to do the rankings.) Zulutrade was introduced to us by Igor Grgic from Croatia…we really are international 🙂  Igor, Jon and I have been investigating this opportunity and we invite you to join us at a GoToMeeting on Friday, noon PT (3 pm ET) and 9 pm in Croatia.