The Dec2011 Group used 1ARV to correctly predict a score of “Under 180 points,” with 175 points scored in the 5/14/2013 NBA game between New York and Indiana. An independent judge gave a confidence ranking of 4 to Under and 2.5 to Over, based on the Wild Card Preview. Learn about Group 1ARV at:
Marty Rosenblatt said: “For those of you following the Wild Card Preview Protocol, here is the best example I have seen yet. Tom Cunningham was the viewer who independently previewed (AJed) his WC before the prediction and ranked it with a CR = 6. BTW, when I send the WCs, I choose them without looking at the viewer’s transcript, but I do make sure they are very different than the two IPSs. The WCP protocol is a winner because it truly engages the viewer before the group prediction is made, and WCP permits an additional layer of redundancy by simply using the Wild Card idea to predict the Side of the wager that does not win; that is, the “other” Side or non-actualized Side of a wager is the WC Side.”
Here’s Tom Cunningham’s Wild Card Preview: