Group hit rate using 1ARV edges upward

hitRateMarty Rosenblatt recently released the following report:

At the 2012 IRVA conference, June 7,  two graphs summarized our Hit Rate Statistics.  The final values on the graphs were:

  • Cumulative Hit Rate = 66%
  • 25 Trade-Day Moving Average = 64%
  • (51 Hits, 26 Misses, 29 Passes)

As of July 27, our stats were:

  • Cumulative Hit Rate = 69%
  • 25 Trade-Day Moving Average = 72%
  • (64 Hits, 29 Misses, 39 Passes)

A new up-to-date graph showing both the Cumulative and 25 Trade-Day Moving Average is above and here:

These data are for the 1ARV groups where I Analyze/Judge the RV transcripts. Data from one new group [Sublime] that has 3 Hits and 1 Miss is not included.  If you have any interest in learning how to start a 1ARV Group, please contact me at