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Sometimes, for whatever reason, things don’t go as expected. Our judge for the Options Group never received my transcript for the 5/24/2013 session; it happened to be one of my best, where I actually named the target as an AOL (confidence ranking 6 or better). I generally don’t share photosites/transcripts for “misses,” but I’m making an exception in this case since the judge never actually received it. (NOTE: You have to click to enlarge my transcript photo to see the Eiffel Tower listed as an AOL.)
In the same session, Russ had a solid viewing on the WCP:

His transcript said: “Outdoors, 2 persons, mid-life, tanned, calm, talking casually, meditative, rowing, oblong, enclosed, vessel/boat, sealed lipped. culverty – arched, in motion, partly hidden under, rhythmic ripples, splash and drips, thumps, in bitter salty water,glaring..A slick,wet, hull, has rotational motion paired as 2, whooshing passing by…July 85 degrees, sea blue, sky lite blue, glaring waters, suns glow, foamy waves, sandy, trees, star burst patterned, shadowy, red, tan, gray, green, brown, a small structure with an old roof, rutted forest like earth, both deep and shallow water areas. This is a party in a group. A punctual recreational event. A person looks to left is happy, they are packing food. tiring. Materials are plastic, cord, cloth, metallic and glass.”