Verve 38 hits NBA score prediction for 1/11 game

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Following was provided by Pat McDonald, Verve independent judge:

Cue: “If the total points scored at  the National Basketball Association game played at Toronto Raptors against visiting Brooklyn Nets on Saturday January 11th 2014 local time, does not exceed and is under the mid-point line solicited by for wagers immediately prior to the game then perceive, describe and sketch the picture Industrial-Mill.jpg at the time that picture was captured, which will be solely attached to feedback email sent to you on Sunday January 12th 2014 if the total points scored at that NBA game played at Toronto Raptors on Saturday January 11th 2014 local time, is under and does not exceed the mid-point line.”

The line at was at 192.5. Prediction was for 192 total points scored or less.  Game finished at 80-96 to the Raptors–174 is well under 192.

IPS was captured at Armley Mills Industrial museum. It is older than most targets I have set – those look like steam power pipes on the ceiling, and electric lights are very recent addition to the location. The product made here was yarn for the textile industry.

Hits by viewer:

  • Glyn – Blocky, stone-like, levels, grey, black. Sketch on other session similar to light fittings BUT other target was a greenhouse so it could be a plant pot effort… Not sure how to rate it.
  • Loraine – Restricted space, ridged, cold, right angles, horizontal beams, bars, steel, grey, black, red, low, long, narrow, strong, dense.
  • Sonny – Stitch, reel, repeating. Only the reels are apparent, but in terms of aesthetic impact of site, its character,  very telling hits.
  • Teresa – Series, white, stone, grey, path.

Displacement from other target like blue was quite pronounced, with no data observed bleeding through to the over IPS.

Confidence ranks were 4.5 for the Under, and 3.2 for the Over.

Sketches, data match quality and displacement all pointed to the Under. Of four viewers, all recorded better data for the Under and one did not have any matches for the Over.

Verve 38               Under 393944       Over 536625


ssS                                                6                           5

sSS                                             17                     3D12

SSS                                              5                     2D3

Displaced (Bleed through)         0                         5

Sketches                                  D2A                          –