Webinar: Form your own ARV group

worldofconsciousnessFollowing is information from Marty Rosenblatt:

I have just returned from a great IRVA Conference.  I spoke about my 14 years working with ARV and how with our new 1ARV approach, “Displacement can be your friend”  😉  The IRVA presentation is here.


One theme of the presentation is to encourage Remote Viewers to form their own groups.  This is the type of grassroots effort that can be fun and will contribute to the consciousness paradigm shift … especially if you make lots of money and tell your friends and colleagues!  And, Wager Wisely!

I am giving a free Webinar this Friday morning, 6/22/2012, at 7:30 a.m. PT (10:30 a.m. ET).  If you wish to participate, email me [marty@p-i-a.com] and I will send you the link for the Friday Webinar.

Have a great day,

