Webinar series on AJing Group 1ARV continues

Following is a message from Marty Rosenblatt:

We have four Remote Viewers  each providing two transcripts for predicting a binary Outcome for a randomly chosen Major League Baseball Game for this Friday:  MLB: Minnesota at Detroit, 4:05pm PT (7:05pm ET), 9/21/2012

We are looking for as many Analyst/Judges (AJ) as care to join us to learn about Analysis/Judging in  the Group 1ARV context.  Newbies are fine – we are all always learning – the newbies’ AJing results will potentially be weighted lower than the more experienced AJers for making the final game prediction.  Analysis/Judging is key for anyone interested in starting their own 1ARV Group…hint, hint.

Last week’s webinar, “Bringing Uniformity to Confidence Ranking (CR) of RV Transcripts”, and some of the earlier webinars are here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Group1ARV/

AJers will have a full day to analyze and judge the RV transcripts.  Here is the schedule (PDT):

Thursday 9/20/2012:

7:30am PDT – Receive two PDF files with the RV transcripts and IPS (Indicator PhotoSite) for each coordinate, and a link to you online “AJ Template” for entering your Targ Confidence Rankings (CR).  Each Template will be for your data, these data will be compiled into one spreadsheet before the Webinar for all AJers to see.

Friday 9/21/2012:

6:30am PDT ____ All individual AJ templates are completed by the AJers

7:30am PDT ____ Webinar starts – with a very short review of what I think I/we learned from last week

7:45am until 9:45am PDT  ____ We all discuss the compilation of CRs and Game Predictions.
___________________Discussions are focused on bringing us as close as possible to the same CRs for the same transcript.  Eventually, we expect differences of about 1 in CRs.  Our discussions will focus on the larger differences to better appreciate these variations.

Webinar Ends with a Final Group Prediction that is emailed to RVers and AJers.

If you are interested in AJing and can make the webinar, email me at: marty@p-i-a.com I will send you the AJ Template and answer any questions.

I will open the webinar 15 minutes early to permit time to logon with the following GoToMeeting Link.  If you have not used GoToMeeting before, please login early. https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/468869667