Surviving at the Shore with ARV

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Lincoln and T.W. Fendley used Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) to pick winners in Monmouth’s Survival at the Shore contest, surviving another week.  Lincoln ARVed Tastefully Smart in Sunday’s Race 11 and intuitively selected two other winners in earlier races.   T.W. ARVed In the Rough in Saturday’s Race 10.  In Sunday’s Race 6, she picked her third-highest confidence ranking (CR) Strike the Tiger — a 9-2 favorite — for the contest rather than 8-1 Big Push, her highest CR, which won.  With no winners in Saturday’s three races, T.W. lost her “life preserver” and will be eliminated from the contest if she doesn’t have a winner each race day.  With mythical contest earnings of $149.40, she now ranks 157th of 5,730 players, with 2,440 eliminated.  For Week Two, Lincoln earned $72.80, to rank 531st.  His total contest earnings are $116.