World Cup predictions for Friday

Following are World Cup predictions for Friday using Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) and PRECOG10:

  • Germany vs. Serbia: 
    • Loraine Connon: Tie
    • Kathy Noble: Serbia win
    • T.W. Fendley: Pass  (highest CR was 3 for Serbia)
  • Slovenia vs. US:
    • Loraine: Tie
    • Kathy: U.S. to win
    • T.W.: Slovenia to win
  • England vs. Algeria:
    • Loraine and Kathy: England to win
    • T.W.: Tie

A Pass means the ARVer gave the session less than 3.5 on the Targ Confidence Ranking during judging. 

I will add more predictions received prior to tomorrow’s games.  Stay tuned!


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