WWCdinner group has 70% hit rate, 45 trials

Following provided by Group Manager Scott:
WWCdinner has reached the 45 Trial mark!!
We got a prediction off before the basketball game started today, and we have another hit.  We are on a 4 hit win streak!!  (Last 8 predictions were 4 hits, 4 passes)   We haven’t missed since the Superbowl on Feb 1.
Overall, since last May, we have 21 Hits, 9 misses, 15 Passes  for a 70% hit rate after 45 trials. Thanks to everyone who has participated !!  We have new members joining every month.
A big part of the group success has been with clay.  Three of our best Viewers use clay and they all have a personal hit rate near 70%.  All 3 contributed to today’s Hit prediction.
I spoke for 47 minutes last Wednesday showing many great clay examples (that were never shown before).  I also showed the packaging of the latest clay, shaping tools, and sandbox products that we use.
You can watch the entire recording here:
Marty begins the recording talking about new ways to calculate the probability of success for the next WE protocol prediction.
I start demonstrating clay successes at the 1:13:00 mark (one hour, 13 min mark).
Here is a shorter link to my talk: