I got an e-mail from Marty Rosenblatt about the Kentucky Derby wins that I thought was really important to share. Some may think that the people who are winning races using Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) are the most experienced ARVers. That isn’t necessarily so. In fact, newcomers often do very well.
Marty wrote: “We had two winning transcripts for the race. One was from Sheila as part of our competition for the National Handicapping Championship Tour ($2 million potential winnings), and another from Steve, who was a participant in the webinar … Sheila appears to be a natural — not much training — many of her words are AOLs, but check out the sketches … Webinar attendee Steve is a trained RVer with no previous ARV experience.” In fact, Steve hit two of three predictions made during the webinar . Kentucky Derby transcripts
Another point Marty made is that the Pegasus group owes a great deal of thanks to Danila. She’s been contributing to the NHC Tour effort by building new photosets, including the 20-choice photoset we used for the Derby! Many of the NHC Tour races have more than 10 horses, which makes choosing the right photosite pretty difficult. It would be much harder without the kind of expertise Danila consistenly demonstrates in building good photosets for us.
And last, but not least, Tom comments below (to my post called Beating the odds with ARV) that Marty’s ranking in the Public Handicapper contest is 20 out of about 3,000 due to the Pegasus group’s two ARV wins on Saturday!