It’s a miss…or is it? Handicap Safety Net works

Following is from the Baloney Sandwich group manager, Alexis Poquiz, regarding this 7/10/2013 prediction for Baloney Sandwich 9:

“This is our first ever example of the handicap safety net working!

For those who have forgotten, in the event that our Remote Viewing fails… (not the optimum wager) … there is still a chance we could still be winners. This is exactly what happened today. Our prediction for the optimum wager was for NYY to WIN… although NYY did win, the optimum bet was for PIT to WIN vs OAK. The Prediction for the optimum wager was a Miss.”

Prior to the game when Alexis announced the prediction of NYY to win over Kansas City as the optimum bet, he also said:

“This indirectly predicts OAK to WIN vs PIT

This indirectly predicts WAS to WIN vs PHI

Historical data indicates these indirect predictions are unreliable.”
