Race 3 – 5th Race Aqueduct
In this race both the logical and the ARV ratings were mixed, I had no strong feelings about any of the horses.
First I had the favorite #8, then the 2nd choice #9 selected as my picks, entirely on logical analysis.
But neither felt like a winner, and they had ARV Targ CRs fo 2.5 and 0 respectively.
So I decided, what the hell, I’ll just go with the top ARV choice #6 – he was also the 3rd logical choice after all, plus I had no negative feelings about him, intuitive-wise – but none positive either.
So I just picked him in the contest, but did not bet real money on him outside the contest, as I had in the first two races.
In the race the favorites 8 and 9 set a suicidal pace at each other’s throats, while 6 waited behind them in the catbird’s seat – and when they wilted in the stretch, WENT ON BY FOR AN EASY WIN!!!!!
HE WAS 12-1!!!!!
He paid $36.50 combined win/place!
ARV Feedback
You can probably see the matches, the long horizontal shapes match the silverware, and the elliptical shape at bottom matches the spoons.
I gave it a Targ CR of 4, which is low for me, but it was still the highest one for this set.
I just LOVE to get HITS!!