Following from Michelle Freed-Bulgatz
Many of you mentioned to me how excited and motivated you are to start your very own research projects and that you feel like it’s possible. That’s what we like to hear. We are creating a support group of a new generation of researchers including many resources available at your fingertips. So, what’s stopping you from reaching your goals? The beauty is we all fit in someplace, whether you want to be head researcher, co-researcher or a participant on a project just find the place where you can shine the most…it’s all important!
Click here for You Tube Video:
Click here for Power Point Slides…all 80 of them LOL!
Paul Ellis “Effect Size Matters”
Dr. Dean Radin
Dr. Jeffery Mishlove “The PK Man”
Debra Lynne Katz “You Are Psychic
“Extrordinary Psychic”
“Freeing the Genie from Within”
Dr. Ed May “Anomalous Cognition”
Stephen Schwartz
Russell Targ
Editor and document production specialist, and ULM assistant for Student Support Services, offers her services as an extra pair of eyes to look over proposals or papers.
Phage Study
Organizations links:
Check out the website for details!
IRVA- International Remote Viewing Association
2016 IRVA Conference in New Orleans June 23-26
John Kruth, Rhines Institute,
Daz Smith
Feel free to contact Michelle or Debra anytime!