Info provided by Patrick McDonald:
Target was a clay model solar lamp, a piece of garden furniture. The windows are solar cells. Bit like a 21st century garden gnome.
Matched on this between viewer sessions were brown, white, ceramic/rocky/stony metallic/reflective/shiny.
Judge’s Cue (not shared with viewers): If the total points scored at the National Basketball Association game played at Indiana against visiting New York on May 11th 2013 does not exceed and is under the mid-point solicited by bookmakers for wagers prior to the game, view and describe the picture Solar_Car_Lamp.png only, which will be emailed to you on Sunday 12th May 2013. Otherwise, if the total points scored at that NBA game in Indiana on May 11th 2013 is over and does exceed the mid-point, view and describe the “Wild Card” picture only, which you will access on Friday 10th May 2013 after submitting your sessions 273400 and 367945 by email.

Interestingly, Teresa especially, but all viewers to some extent, got some kind of impression of the location where the picture was on the other tag, 273400. Which was a very handy confirmation if totally unexpected from my point of view. Jon did a sketch on 273400 which is close in spirit to the feedback but not quite a match. Threw me a bit, but the volume for 367945 was huge.